Lion Rock Hill in Kowloon Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Lion Rock Hill in Kowloon Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Many people have risked their lives while posing for photographs at the top of Lion Rock Hill in Kowloon and now a video of a woman on the edge has gone viral.

The video uploaded to social media showed a woman standing on a small rock and stretching her right arm and leg out over the edge of a cliff above Lion Rock Hill on Sunday, the Oriental Daily reported.

A local hiker on Lion Rock Hill, a 495-meter hill between Kowloon Tong of Kowloon and Tai Wai of the New Territories, saw the woman posing for photos.

He said when he reached the part known as head of the lion he saw a group of women, believed to be domestic workers, on the top of the hill. Then one climbed over the big rock and asked her friends to take a photo of her.

The woman was seen stepping on a small rock on the edge of the cliff, stretching her right arm and right leg out. After the photo was taken, the woman climbed back to safety.

People who watched the video online slammed the woman for putting her life in danger, while the man asked if her employer would take responsibility if the woman fell and suffered any injuries.

A few people have fallen to their death from the cliff in Hong Kong.

Read: Tourist dies taking ‘selfie’ near Bali after fall off cliff into sea

Read: Hiker dies after falling into pool while taking selfies

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