An intersection in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Photo: Google Maps
An intersection in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Photo: Google Maps

Temperatures are expected to fall to 13 to 14 degrees Celsius from Tuesday night into Wednesday as Taiwan faces the first cold continental air mass of winter, the Central Weather Bureau has announced.

CWB forecaster Chen Chuan-fang told China News Agency on Monday the temperature would drop to 14 degrees in the greater Taipei area and 13 degrees in coastal and rural areas on Tuesday night. In central and southern Taiwan, temperatures are expected to drop to 15-16 degrees.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be showers as the cold air mass will bring a small amount of moisture. On Friday, a second cold air mass is expected to bring more rain.

On Saturday, Taipei and Taoyuan City will have temperatures as low as 13 degrees, while New Taipei and Hsinchu City will be about 14 degrees. All four cities are expected to have cloudy skies on that day.