The number of new Covid-19 cases worldwide. Source: Johns Hopkins University

Live version of coronavirus map

More than 30,000 people have died worldwide from the coronavirus – two-thirds of them in Europe – since the epidemic started in China in December, according to an AFP tally based on official sources and the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.

Italy alone comprises a third of the 30,003 deaths as its toll shot past 10,000. 

More than 652,000 cases have been declared in 183 countries and territories. 

The countries with the most official deaths are Italy with 10,023, Spain (5,812), mainland China (3,295), Iran (2,517) and France (2,314).

Click on this coronavirus graphic produced by Johns Hopkins University to access the live, online version.

First trains into Wuhan

Trains packed with thousands of passengers arrive in Wuhan where the virus first emerged late last year, as the Chinese city partly reopens after months of near total isolation for its population of 11 million.

Most of the subway network also starts up again and some shopping centers will open their doors next week.

Cases skyrocket in US, Europe

The United States now has the world’s highest number of confirmed Covid-19 infections, surpassing 100,000 cases on Friday and rising to past 115,000 on Saturday. 

There have been nearly 1,900 recorded deaths in the US from the virus.

In Britain the death toll passes 1,000.

A record 832 people die in Spain in 24 hours, leading the country to halt all non-essential activities.

Trump invokes wartime powers

President Donald Trump signs into law the largest stimulus package in US history, a $2 trillion rescue plan, in a bid to salvage the economy.

Trump also invokes the Defense Production Act, a wartime power, to compel auto giant General Motors to honor its commitment to making ventilators.

Canada financial boost

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces measures to boost the country’s economy, almost doubling the amount of aid pledged just two days previously to more than Can$200 billion (128 billion euros).

A parliamentary report forecasts a 5.1% contraction of Canada’s economy in 2020, the worst since 1962.


Russia on Monday will become the latest country to “restrict traffic” across its borders, according to a decree on the government website.

Ireland imposes a total lockdown until April 12.

South African police enforce lockdown by firing rubber bullets towards hundreds of shoppers queueing outside a supermarket in Johannesburg.

Ghana announces a two-week lockdown in two main regions starting Monday.

Election impact

New York’s governor says the state will postpone its presidential primary election by nearly two months, pushing the date from April 28 to June 23. President Trump, meanwhile, said he was considering placing the state under quarantine.

Mali records its first coronavirus just hours before polls open on Sunday for a long-delayed parliamentary election. 

Helicopter evacuation

France carries out is first evacuation of patients by military helicopter, transporting two people with the virus in critical condition from eastern France to Germany.

Churches under quarantine

A Brazilian court blocks a decree by President Jair Bolsonaro that exempted places of worship from confinement orders. The federal court in Rio de Janeiro state ruled that religious services pose a public health risk. The government can still appeal the decision.

Protecting guns

Gun owners, vendors and arms associations turn to US courts to prevent local authorities in California from shuttering gun stores.