Tung grabbing the suicidal woman from behind. Photo: MiaoPai.

A deliveryman in Zhejiang, China was praised online after he intervened to save a suicidal woman sitting on the edge of a bridge.

At around 2pm on April 2, China Post deliveryman Tung Hwa was making a delivery run in the town of Taozhuang in Jiaxing County when he saw a woman, sitting on the railing of a bridge, crying.

Tung stopped his vehicle and called out to the woman but to no avail. He then called the police after he realized things may go wrong.

The police arrived quickly and got into positions in case the woman jumped. As one officer tried to talk the woman down from jumping, another signaled Tung, who quickly grabbed her.

The girl was taken to the police station where 23-year-old Zhou, from Guizhou, explained that she was upset after she recently found out she was pregnant and her boyfriend had become distant and showed no concern for her or their unborn baby. When her boyfriend failed to reply to her text messages for several days, that pushed Zhou to the edge.

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