The Travelodge in Orland, Florida. Photo: Google Maps

A Vietnamese filmmaker and his companion subdued and detained a female burglar they discovered in their hotel room in the United States as she was rifling through their belongings in the early hours.

Tan Duong and his companion Anh Nguyen were staying at a Travelodge in Orlando, Florida, and were there to attend a film festival, VN Express reported.

On March 6, the filmmaker was sleeping when his companion Nguyen screamed after spotting a stranger trying to steal their valuables, including cell phones and wallets. Duong jumped out of bed and grabbed the burglar as she tried to make a run for it.

The burglar, 40-year-old Nicole Watkins, was reportedly homeless. According to police, Watkins also tried to escape en route to the police station. Tools for ingesting drugs were found on her and she was to be charged with possessing drugs, attempting to escape arrest and burglary. She was in police custody.

The two Vietnamese were astounded by their experience and said it was something “out of a movie.”

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