Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

A Filipino migrant worker allegedly committed suicide last week after receiving death threats from his co-workers in Saudi Arabia.

On Wednesday afternoon, Roger Dayanan was found hanging at his workplace. Dayanan’s wife Gilda said she learned about he husband’s alleged suicide through Dayanan’s Filipino friend and co-worker, Manila Standard reported.

However, Gilda said she did not believe her husband committed suicide since they had a video call the night before the incident. She said her husband had not acted strangely or mentioned suicide.

Gilda suspected foul play as her husband had mentioned that a foreign co-worker had threatened to kill him. The alleged death threats started in February after Dayanan supposedly discovered an anomaly and the illegal activities of his co-workers.

Gilda said Dayanan’s co-workers had stalked him and monitored his activities and his phone calls, GMA News reported. Dayanan had sought help from an advocates group so he could be rescued from his workplace.

The group referred the matter to the Philippine Consulate in Jeddah, but Dayanan “committed suicide” before he could be rescued.

Vice-Consul Lemuel Lopez said they had informed Saudi authorities and Dayanan’s employer about the matter. Lopez said an investigation should be conducted to determine if foul play had been involved.

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