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A man in Indonesia who committed suicide several days ago left behind a note suggesting a crippling debt led him to take his life.

Zulfadli, a 35-year-old taxi driver in Jakarta, was found deceased in his friend’s room in Mampang Prapatan on Monday February 11, The Jakarta Post reported. The man’s note explained that he could no longer handle the debt from lending platforms online.

His colleague, Nardi, 22, told authorities that the victim visited him on Sunday and had asked to stay the night. Zulfadli reportedly wanted to stay over because he could not sleep at the taxi company dormitory.

Nardi went to work that evening and found his room locked when he came back the next morning at around 9am. He found his colleague’s body after he broke into the room.

Mampang Police First Inspector Anton Prihartono said the victim did not show any strange behavior prior to the suicide.

The victim wrote in his note that he felt sorry for being a burden to his peers, as well as telling officials that money-lending apps were a “Devil’s trap.” He also asked his family not to repay his outstanding debts.

“Dear online loan sharks, we will meet in the afterlife,” he reportedly wrote.

It is still unclear how much Zulfadli had borrowed from money lenders online.

Reports and complaints about financial companies have been on the rise in Indonesia. Fintech firms have been accused of trapping customers in a loop of debt and using unethical ways to obtain payment, including intimidation and violations of privacy.

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