Jamal Khashoggi was murdered when he visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2. Photo: AFP
Saudi hackers using Pegasus software targeted friends and family of Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered when he visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Photo: AFP

Saudi Arabia is preparing to change its official story on the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, CNN reported Monday afternoon, after the government had previously issued blanket denials of any involvement.

Two sources told CNN that a report on the incident to be presented by Saudi Arabia, which has not yet been finalized, will claim that the Washington Post reporter’s death was the result of an interrogation gone wrong.

One source speculated that the report will “likely” conclude that the operation did not have clearance in an attempt to absolve Saudi Arabian King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of any complicity.

Whatever the conclusions may be, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will no doubt be presented with a version of the facts when he meets with Saudi officials in Riyadh on Tuesday.

US President Donald Trump spoke with King Salman on Monday, after which he suggested that the suspected murder of Khashoggi may have been carried out by “rogue killers.”

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