Cebu in the Philippines. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Cebu in the Philippines. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

An American man was arrested in his home in Cebu City in the Philippines for possessing sexually explicit videos and photos of Filipino minors.

On Thursday, Charles Gergley, 51, who has lived in Cebu for five years, was arrested after the police implemented a search warrant in his apartment in Barangay Zapatera.

The police found condoms, an SD computer memory card, two tablets, money transfer receipts and candies that Gergley would give to Filipino children, Philippine Lifestyle News reported.

The police also found hundreds of sexually explicit images and videos, many showing the suspect engaging in sexual acts with girls.

Police said Gergley has been under investigation since intelligence gathered from a rescue operation in July revealed his involvement in the online sexual exploitation of children.

Gergley will be charged for violating the Cybercrime Prevention Act and the Anti-Child Pornography Act, as well as for possession of child pornography with the intent to distribute, which is a non-bailable offense.

Other charges may also be filed against Gergley for other suspected acts of sexual abuse.