A man was hit by an electric shock from a high-voltage power cable. Photo: Chongqing Evening News
A man was hit by an electric shock from a high-voltage power cable. Photo: Chongqing Evening News

A 22-year-old local man died two days after being seriously injured by an electric shock after he climbed on top of a train in a station near Chongqing, in southwest China.

At about 3pm on Sunday, the man surnamed Wang, a self-employed photographer, and his girlfriend went to a station on the Chengdu-Chongqing rail line in Dadukou district to shoot some videos, Chongqing Evening News reported on Monday.

He climbed up on top of a train and successfully took some footage. But when he tried to do it a second time, he was received a shock from a high-voltage power cable and lapsed into a coma.

Train station staff called the police and paramedics, who got the man down and sent him to hospital. He had 80% of his skin burnt and died in the hospital on Tuesday morning.

One inaccurate report by local media claimed that Wang climbed up on top of the train because he wanted to get famous by uploading a video of himself to Tik Tok, a video-streaming portal similar to YouTube. A lot of netizens blamed “internet culture” for encouraging young people to do stunts.

However, Wang’s girlfriend clarified on Tuesday that her boyfriend was actually shooting some video footage and pictures for clients, who included a couple and their child.

Chongqing man shocked on top of train
A Chongqing photographer was hit by an electric shock from nearby power lines while on top of a train shooting video footage for clients. Photo: Paper.com.cn