The Provincial Capitol of Cebu in the Philippines. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, r	Andrewhaimerl
The Provincial Capitol of Cebu in the Philippines. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, r Andrewhaimerl

A help desk for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) will be set up in the Capitol Building of Cebu province in the Philippines. On January 22, Philippine Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III signed an agreement with Cebu Governor Hilario Davide III to open a help desk that will address the concerns of OFWs, the Philippine Star reported.

The provincial government will provide a database of OFWs and their families in Cebu and provide space in the Capitol Building for the help desk. It will also provide personnel and other support services, Business Mirror reported.

The help desk will serve as a channel for the central government’s Overseas Workers Welfare Administration to provide programs on education and training, welfare, health care and reintegration for OFWs and their families.

It is expected to open before the end of this year.