Alibaba Cloud launched in 2009 and now has 52 international data centers. Photo: Reuters/Bobby Yip
Alibaba Cloud launched in 2009 and now has 52 international data centers. Photo: Reuters/Bobby Yip

Wo Cloud, the first public cloud platform co-founded by Alibaba Cloud, and China Unicom, one of the largest state-owned telecommunications operators, was officially launched in Zhejiang province on Thursday, Caixin reported.

The platform is called Wo Cloud Powered by Alibaba Cloud, with a domain name of Alibaba Cloud is the cloud computing arm of Alibaba.

Alibaba Cloud has offered technical support and solutions, while the Zhejiang branch of China Unicom has provided services including arranging full-time account managers in different cities for cloud services consulting.

At the end of the year, Zhejiang branches plan to provide cloud network service subsidies which package enterprise broadband and Wo Cloud.