A man crosses the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal in the lobby of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb
A man crosses the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seal in the lobby of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Photo: AFP / Saul Loeb

The CIA’s head of technology development Dawn Meyerriecks says the US spy agency currently has 137 pilot projects directly related to artificial intelligence (AI), according to a story on military website Defense One.

The agency’s deputy director for science and technology says the “experiments” include everything from automatically tagging objects in video (so analysts can pay attention to what’s important) to better predicting future events based on big data and correlational evidence.

But Meyerriecks says staying ahead of Russia and China in AI isn’t as hard as getting US leaders to listen to their own artificial intelligence analysis.

“One of the things that’s a challenge for the current AI community, one of the things I’m positive will get addressed, is… you can’t go to leadership and make a recommendation based on a process that no one understands,” Meyerriecks said.

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