AsiaWorld-Expo, Chek Lap Kok island Photo: Wikimedia Commons
AsiaWorld-Expo, Chek Lap Kok island Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Two notebook computers containing personal details of the 1,194 members of the Election Committee that picked Hong Kong’s new leader were reported stolen on Tuesday, following Sunday’s poll.

The Registration and Electoral Office reported to the police Tuesday on the suspected theft of the laptops from a locked storeroom at AsiaWorld-Expo on Lantau island, which served as the back-up site for the election.

Both devices contained names and encrypted information on the personal particulars including home addresses and identity card numbers of Election Committee members as well as electors of the geographical constituency of the city.

The government information office didn’t respond to Apple Daily’s question over whether the laptops held past voting records. There have been no sign of information leaks, the office said.