Wrestler Narsingh

(From Hindustan Times)

Narsingh Pancham Yadav, whose Rio participation hung by a thread, was cleared of doping charges by an anti-doping disciplinary panel of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), which agreed with the grappler’s claim of sabotage.

The NADA panel gave him the benefit of the doubt saying that “the ingestion of the prohibitive substance, in this case methandienone, appeared to be one time.

“…the panel concludes that the athlete deserves the benefit of Article 10.4 of the anti-doping rules of NADA 2015. As there is no fault and negligence on his part, and he is a victim of sabotage done by a competitor. Therefore, keeping in view the facts and circumstances said above, the panel exonerates the athlete from the charges of violating the anti-doping rules of NADA,” said the three-member panel’s report, which was read out to the media by NADA director general Navin Agarwal. Read more

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