Krasukha-4  electronic warfare system. Photo: The Military Review
Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system. Photo: The Military Review

Russia boasts better integrated electronic warfare and “offensive and defensive electromagnetic spectrum capabilities” than NATO forces in Europe, a UK authority on the Kremlin’s military said this week.

USNI News quoted Roger McDermott, a senior research fellow in war studies at King’s College London, as saying, “the Russians learn by doing.” Moscow is said to be merging such capabilities — learned in Syria and the Ukraine — into their military operations and strategies.

McDermott delivered his assessment while speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC on Monday.

Noting Russia’s recent response to a drone swarm attack on a Russian air base and naval facility in Syria, he said, “all were brought down” by conventional air defense or jamming using electronic warfare tools.

In Ukraine, McDermott also pointed out that small Russian electronic warfare units have crossed the border to jam the Kiev government’s communications systems. The capability was also used to enhance the fire control of Ukrainian separatists’ artillery before the concerned Russian units withdrew behind their lines shortly thereafter, the analyst said.

McDermott, in a recent report on electronic warfare, further noted that Moscow began integrating its electronic warfare capabilities with conventional military hardware and software when it moved into Crimea and Ukraine in 2014.

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