Samsung is about to change the way you look at digital content. With the emergence of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality(AR), the company seems to have set its sights on visual user experience.

Samsung contact lens
Samsung Electronics said its smart contact lenses will provide clear images regardless of the wearer’s movement or the focal distance, and widen the viewing angle.

According to a report by Sam Mobile, Samsung had previously filed and was granted a patent. The patent application, filed in South Korea, shows a contact lens equipped with a tiny display, a camera, an antenna, and several sensors that detect movement and the most basic form of input using your eyes: blinking. The display projects images directly into the eye of the wearer. An external device, a smartphone, is needed for processing.

Samsung Electronics had earlier said that smart contact lenses will provide clear images regardless of the wearer’s movement or the focal distance, and widen the viewing angle. The image quality of existing AR devices is often affected by the movement of the wearer, leading to the narrow viewing angle. However, the smart lenses can widen the viewing angle much further since they can be worn directly on the retina, Business Korea stated in its report.

According to Digi-Capital, the VR and AR market is forecast to grow to $150 billion (174 trillion won) by 2020. The AR industry is expected to show a faster growth than VR.

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